HTTP Status Tester

Check from different countries around the world the HTTP status code, HTTP response, HTTP headers, redirect chains and applicable robots.txt rules for multiple URLs.

What makes the HTTP Status Tester different from other similar tools?

  • First, the HTTP Status Tester has bookmarkable and shareable public reports. Each report, as well as each HTTP response using the share link at the bottom of each response, can be shared with any other person. This assists with the debugging process when reporting issues to developers and system administrators. Although reports are publicly accessible, for privacy purposes reports are not publicly listed anywhere on this website.
  • Second, with the HTTP Status Tester it is possible to access URLs from different locations in the world. This is beneficial to test what different users in different countries may see with regards to CDN responses and/or HTTP limitations, e.g. 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
  • Third, the HTTP Status Tester by default adheres to robots.txt directives and will inform about the crawlability of a URL.
  • Fourth, because the HTTP Status Tester by default obeys robots.txt directives, it also informs which robots.txt file applies and what its HTTP response is.
  • The HTTP Status Tester also reports on all the HTTP Requests Headers and HTTP Response Headers encountered, e.g. HTTP sniffing or HTTP sniffer, during its journey, including those for the robots.txt URLs visited.
  • Last but not least, the HTTP Status Tester includes by default a random identifier with each HTTP request, making it possible to trace and debug HTTP responses on the server side.


  • The HTTP Status Tester checks for robots.txt always follow redirects to its final destination.
  • The HTTP Status Tester adheres to robots.txt rules for filibot and uses rules for Googlebot as a fallback.
  • The robots.txt check in the HTTP Status Tester can be disabled for debugging purposes but that is not recommended.
  • URLs entered without schema default to HTTPS.
  • Parallel GET requests with the HTTP Status Tester are limited to two per hostname to prevent overloading servers.
  • URLs submitted in the HTTP Status Tester are automatically encoded when containing characters outside the ASCII set.
  • The HTTP Status Tester only supports the standard ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
  • The HTTP Status Tester only checks the initial HTTP response and does not render the HTTP response. Any dependencies on JavaScript and/or meta data is not executed and/or used in the final HTTP response.
  • All HTTP requests by the HTTP Status Tester are performed over HTTP/1.1. This may change in the future.
  • The HTTP Status Tester currently supports only GET requests.
  • For privacy and security purposes all public HTTP Status Tester reports expire and become inaccessible after 90 days.
  • The HTTP Status Tester utilizes proxies to access the URLs from different geographic locations. As a consequence, some URLs may be blocked by the proxies and/or by the website's firewalls. In this case a 403 status code or 503 status codeis often returned and there is no way to access the URL until the block is removed. If you control the website in question, check the server/CDN log files if the blocked HTTP request is present. Optionally search for the unique identifier attached to the HTTP request. Once identified, remove the block to continue.
  • When a lot of URLs are submitted, it may take some time (minutes) to load and render the report page as this includes per URL, in addition to the HTTP headers, also samples of the raw HTML code and/or robots.txt files/responses. For example, if 20 URLs submitted, the report potentially loads 20 robots.txt files and/or 20 HTML samples in addition to the report itself, all in one page request. To speed up the reports, submit smaller batches of URLs.


  • Jan 17th, 2025: Significantly improved error messaging and reporting. However, reports for larger batches of URLs will now take more time to render the report.
  • May 16th, 2024: Fixed a bug regarding the user-agent field which caused failed HTTP tests.
  • May 9th, 2024: Fixed a few minor bugs and implemented some anti-abuse features.
  • May 8th, 2024: Fixed a bug regarding the user-agent field.
  • April 9th, 2024: Changed the proxies and enforcing filibot as the user-agent for live testing. Going forward, the user-agent dropdown is only used to check and apply robots.txt directives.
  • May 9th, 2023: A few small bug fixes.
  • Jan 11th, 2023: A number of small bug fixes, clarified blocks from firewalls and/or proxies, and restricted ports to 80 and 443.
  • Jan 6th, 2023: Moved HTTP Status Tester to its own domain, from


This website, including its tools, is coded by SEO expert and ex-Google engineer Fili and is under constant development as improvements are made over time.

Bugs will also happen. Despite best efforts to maintain the code base and data quality, no guarantees can or will be given. Data may be incomplete and/or errors may occur. This is a personal website and for-fun project. Use at your own risk.